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One Of The Leaders in Textile Market Since 1970

FABLIO textile have been supplying fabric material of a high standard for over 40 years.nOur shop is in Kolkata, in the heart of Wiltshire is an iconic building, some parts dating back some 100 years.

Always Genuine

We guarantee you will always receive genuine fabrics material quality.

Rapid Production

Specialized and annual production capacity of 1.95 million meters.

25 Years Of Experience!


Our Fabric Material Will Build Your Trust

Weu2019ve been established as a family furnishers business for over 60 years. With a beautiful showroom in Kolkata, out friendly staff pride themselves in providing a high level of service.
Fabric Products & Accessories
Top Rayon Fabric Materials
weu2019ve recently launched the ability to shop fabrics online and shop poles & tracks online from our website too
+123 456 7890

The Textile, Product, And Apparel Manufacturing Industries.

Fablio Textile fabrics aims to provide the best price on authentic fabrics. Every Harris Tweed or Moon Wool order also includes original swing tags and labels. We keep always keep an eye on quality.

The Majority Have Suffered.


Our Fabric Material Will Build Your Trust

Weu2019ve been established as a family furnishers business for over 60 years. With a beautiful showroom in Kolkata, out friendly staff pride themselves in providing a high level of service.

An Acrylic Pulp

Fibrillated acrylic fiber & rein forcement material.

An Aramid Pulpn

A highly fibrillated blend of the aramid fiber and acrylic fibern

Aramid Microfiber

Micronized aramid fiber achieved by Fablio self-designing.

Acrylic Microfiber

It can gives better toughness and polishing effect.


Check Our Pricing Plans!

Fablio is one of the top leading textile industry. We are using the latest technologies and manufacturingnprocess for the best fabric, still our pricing set is affordable andu00a0great comparatively. Check out our pricing plans for the best importation.

Cotton Fabric

Salary Level Up To $50k
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